Symfonia: Uli Kusch cai fora e apresentações no Brasil


É, delfonauta, o Uli Kusch caiu fora do Symfonia. O site oficial do Symfonia postou um comunicado explicando tudo. Ele é longo, mas resumindo as informações, o baterista está com problemas de saúde e a banda concordou mutuamente que seria melhor continuar sem ele. Pior, Uli Kusch deve ficar o ano inteiro sem tocar o instrumento.

“We would like to thank all of you who have supported us and our “In Paradisum” in the last months. We have received a very good response both in sales and in reviews for the album.

We are sorry for the lack of news but we have had a good reason for the silence.

We have been waiting for our friend Uli to get better with his hand. We knew we took a risk in waiting, but we considered it best for the band. This is why there has not been any shows so far apart from Helsinki Metal Meeting in February.

Few weeks ago we received more news from Uli’s doctors and they were very bad. They said that it is not likely that he could play drums this year at all. After talking with Uli and in mutual understanding, we agreed to continue Symfonia without him. It is a painful decision for all of us but after Uli told us it is best for us to go on without him and not to wait anymore due to uncertain future with his hand, we decided to do this. And the truth is, we simply cannot wait any longer.

We will do some shows with Alex Landenburg as a substitute drummer and then go straight to the studio to record a follow up to “In Paradisum” for March 2012 release. We already have a good idea how the album will be and we apologize to all those who have been waiting to see us live. Unfortunately due to the impossible circumstances it has not been possible but we will correct this with the next album next year. We don’t feel that it is the right move now to book more shows than these. We feel it is time for a new Symfonia album and then book the shows. We have a lot of time to do this now that the situation is clear with Uli.”

Mamma, mia, que enorme este comunicado. Bem, vamos para a parte boa da notícia! Shows no Brasil. Segue o resumão:

30.7 Brasilia Porao do Rock Festival BRAZIL
31.7 São Paulo/SP – Citibank Hall BRAZIL
2.8 Porto Alegre/RS – Bar Opiniao BRAZIL
5.8 Teresina/PI – Venue TBA BRAZIL
6.8 Sao Luis/MA – Venue TBA BRAZIL
7.8 Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Fundição Progresso BRAZIL

Assim que surgirem novas informações, a gente divulga aqui. Deixe nos comentários suas insatisfações, medos e traumas!