Primeiras músicas de Guitar Hero: Van Halen são reveladas


O Destructoid teve acesso aos achievements do ainda não confirmado Guitar Hero do Van Halen, cujo provável nome não divulgado será Guitar Hero Headlining Van Halen.

O legal desses achievements para os fãs é sacar as diversas piadinhas com a história da banda. Por exemplo, a conquista do vocal chama diamond in the rough, relação direta ao apelido de Dave Lee Roth, Diamond Dave.

Porém, o mais legal é que algumas músicas são confirmadas aí. Especificamente essas: Little Guitars, Cathedral, Spanish Fly e Eruption. Todas elas são faixas com pouco mais de um minuto, que devem ser especialmente difíceis de serem tocadas na guitarra. A exceção é Little Guitars. O Van Halen tem duas músicas com esse título: Little Guitars e Little Guitars (Intro). Pelo contexto do achievement, a presente no jogo deve ser a Intro, mas torço para a completa estar ali também, pois ela é mó bonitinha. O que imagino que eles façam é juntas as duas em uma, como fizeram com The Hellion e Electric Eye, do Judas Priest.

Confira a lista completa aí embaixo.

Have You Seen His Grades? 5 GP (Complete a tutorial
It’s Alive 5 GP (Unlock Eddie’s Frankenstein guitar)
Ouch! 5 GP (Create a custom tattoo)
Intruder 10 GP (Complete the career intro)
Van Halen 10 GP (Complete a career on
Beginner, Band or Solo)
Every Band Wants Some! 10 GP (Complete a song with the full band, 4
player band)
They Ran With The Devil 10 GP (All band members get a 50 note streak at
the same time)
Somebody Get Them a Doctor 10 GP (Hit 100% of the notes in a song as a
Atomic Power Punk 10 GP (All band members activate star power at the
same time)
Hung High 10 GP (All band members earn 8x multiplier at the same time)
EVH 10 GP (Unlock all of the Van Halen
The Broken Combs 15 GP (Complete a gig in West Hollywood)
Ain’t Talkin
‘Bout Dallas
15 GP (Complete a gig in Dallas)
Far Away Lands 15 GP (Complete gigs in London and The Netherlands)
The Space Brothers 15 GP (Complete gigs in Los Angeles and Rome)
Van Halen II 15 GP (Complete a career on Easy)
Jump 15 GP (Complete all Van Halen songs)
Rock Out Big Cities 20 GP (Complete gigs in Berlin and New York City)
Unchained 20 GP (Unlock all Van Halen
Women and Children First 25 (Complete a career on Medium)
Fair Warning 35 (Complete a career on Hard)
The Tour is Ending 35 GP (Complete a majority of the gigs)
Diver Down 45 GP (Complete a career on Expert)
1984 55 GP (complete a career on Expert+)
The Wood Shed 60 GP (5 star guitar for ‘Little Guitars,’ ‘Cathedral,’
‘Spanish Fly,’ and ‘Eruption’ on Expert)
316 65 GP (5 Star all Van Halen songs on Bass
Diamond in the Rough (5 Star all Van Halen
songs on Vocal Career on Expert)
Double Bass Master 75 (5 Star all Van Halen
songs on Drum Career)
Guitar God 100 GP (5 Star all Van Halen songs
on Guitar Career) expert
5150 100 GP (Complete all Van Halen songs on
every instrument)
