Gene Simmons sai na porrada verbal com careca!


Fala a verdade, você estava com saudade dos nossos títulos sensacionalistas, não estava? Pois aqui está! Regozije-se!

Nosso amigo linguarudo Gene Simmons participou de um debate na última sexta-feira 13 com nosso amigo careca Bob Lefsetz, um analista da indústria musical. O debate não foi nem um pouco amigável e o Bob chegou até a enviar uma mensagem xingando Gene em sua newsletter. Confira a mensagem no original, em inglês, aí embaixo:

“What an asshole.

“You can make your own decision who was victorious, I’m sure clips will surface on YouTube. But what stunned me was who this guy was. I truly believed he had another, more human side underneath, that maybe he could let down his guard and laugh at himself. I was wrong.

“Whether it be the endless recitation of KISS kronology, or shilling for his venture with Universal Music Canada, not only did Gene continue to sell, he did it in the meanest, most underhanded fashion possible. Proving the old saw if you just met your hero, he wouldn’t be one anymore.

“Not that Gene’s my hero. But others believe in him. What a mistake. At least homey don’t play that no more. You truly have to befriend your fans today, treat them civilly, not like you were born on the mountaintop and you’re making sure no one else can join you there.

“I’d like to tell you our debate was an endless discussion of the issues. Instead, it was constant put-downs of me… My name, my appearance, my experience, my mother. I can handle it, but the relentlessness and the refusal to lighten up completely stunned me. Asshole wouldn’t even shake my hand at the end, disappeared like the weasel he truly is.

“I arose to greet him when he took the stage, but alas, he had to insult my name before sticking out his hand, which he never did by the way. I just sat back down, stunned that someone could be so vicious. Dick Cheney’s got nothing on Gene Simmons.

“Who’s lost in the Seventies. Wants to generate success for his charges by getting them an opening slot on a tour and a reality TV show. Like anybody cares about the opening acts anyway. As for reality television, where are O-TOWN and DANITY KANE these days?

“Gene couldn’t come up with one record business success other than ‘discovering’ VAN HALEN, who, of course, ended up signing with Warner Brothers.

“As for his own solo album? He showed a tiny hint of humility here, the only one in the whole damn show. He said the song wasn’t good enough and his label was folding, said he needed someone to watch over him.

“As for the next KISS album? He’s gonna sell that via a big-box retailer. So the old model, actually, the new 360 model, suffices for his charges, the act gets screwed up the wazoo, and the take-the-cash-and-run deal, for music only, works for KISS. If that doesn’t illustrate the disparity between the old guard and the new in the music industry, I don’t know what will.

“KISS will continue to tour. Gene will concoct whatever circus is necessary to put asses in the seats. Whether it be another reunion or an execution on stage. But the band will still be way past its prime, will still be has-beens, will still garner no respect in the world of music. The reason being primarily Gene himself. Such a hateable guy is going to find it impossible to garner any respect.

“Furthermore, Gene doesn’t seem to realize the Internet allows the public to fight back. The stories filling up my inbox would make Gene cry. But just watch [the fourth clip below — all the way at the bottom — of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley being interviewed] for illustration. The fireworks reach a frenzy at 1:48.”

Quer mais? Confira então os vídeos do debate e a discussão entre Gene e Paul à qual Bob-o se refere aí embaixo.
